Junior researcher seminaries

Junior researcher seminaries

Monday night, shed a light on our junior researcher

Monday May 27, from 6PM

UFCV le haut Peyron

You are a master’s student, Phd student or post-doctoral student, this is the time to present your research work in the from of a presentation (Phd students, post-doctoral students) and posters (master’s student, Phd students, post-doctoral students) in front of the companies and academic researchers in your field.

This evening is organized by young researchers for young researchers in a format conducive to discussion: a short 10-minutes presentation in English followed by a question/answer session. The order of presentation is in the table below.

One of the presentations from the seminar will be chosen and will complete the panel of researchers during the general public event on Wednesday. It is during that evening that you will have the opportunity to discuss your work using your posters.

TimeSpeakerAffiliationTitle of the presentation
18:30Martin FilliungCOSMER, LIS, Université de ToulonAn Augmented Catenary Model for Underwater Tethered Robots
18:45Louis JouclasCOSMER, LIRMM, IFREMERSonar and vision based exploration for autonomous underwater robots
19:00Juliette DruptHeriot-Watt UniversityWeather robust forward looking sonar based 3D mapping
19:15Lucia BergantinLab-STICC, ENSTA BretagneReal-time collision avoidance based on optic flow divergence onboard an underwater vehicle
19:30Maël GodardLab-STICC, ENSTA BretagneIntroduction to Reachability Analysis: a tool to perform robotic mission safely
20:30Morgan LouédecLab-STICC, ENSTA BretagneProving the stability of a 2 ROVs formation control with ellipsoids
20:45Loïck DegorreLab-STICC, ENSTA BretagneGuidance and Control of USVs Combining Differential Flatness and Model-Free Controllers
21:00Quentin BrateauLab-STICC, ENSTA BretagneControl of Cycles
21:15Michele GrimaldiHeriot-Watt UniversityFRAGG-Map: Frustum Accelerated GPU-Based Grid Map
21:30Bilal GhaderCOSMER, JAP2S, Université de ToulonUnderwater Gesture Classification

To register for the seminar and submit your presentation, fill the form below.